One of my dear friends used to always quote her mother when things got tough. “Push and Go On,” she would say. Over time, I started saying it, too. Some […]
How Sweet the Sound: Whole New Life
Rev. Jon Strother, Sound District Superintendent In his book, Aging: Growing Old In Church, Bishop Will Willimon reflects on the “whole new life” that awaits those who retire. He also notes […]
From the Sound District Youth Coordinator
Dear Sound District of The North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, I hope this message finds you well! As I continue saying this, I hope you hold it in […]
Let’s Get “Salty” in the Sound this Summer!
Dear Lay Leaders of the Sound,Below you have a special invitation to partner with the American Red Cross in saving lives. Many of the congregations across our District already have […]
How Sweet the Sound: Resurrection or Resuscitation?
“…we don’t evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly […]
The Sights of Sound: Widows Plus!
– Kim R. Smith, Sound District Lay Leader On a pollen-coated Saturday morning, I joined the Widows Plus group at Chocowinity United Methodist Church for their monthly gathering. The morning […]
A Message from Kuda: Youth Invitation
Hello all, Praying Christ is encouraging you all in your ministries and all you have going on! I pray you find your congregations are well fed in God’s word so […]
How Sweet The Sound: Act I, II, III
– Rev. Jon Strother, District Superintendant Beacon and Sound “… He steadfastly and determinedly set His face to go to Jerusalem.” Luke 9:51 AMPC With Holy Week only a little over two weeks […]
The Sights of Sound: The 39 & Under Formula
– Kim R. Smith, Sound District Lay Leader Can you think of anything more elusive in many churches than women under the age of 39? Younger women are hard […]