The Lewis Center for Leadership recently published an article by Kay Kotan entitled, “There’s No Going Back to the Pre-Pandemic Church.” When I first glanced at the title, I felt […]
How Sweet the Sound – March 31st
In Francine Rivers’ novel, The Last Sin Eater, we meet a village of 19th century Welsh immigrants who make the Appalachian Mountains their new home. In the village there is […]
The Dinner Table – A Message from Lay Leader Kim R. Smith
One of my favorite television shows is Blue Bloods. The Reagan family is united by their multi-generational calling to law enforcement. The way they serve is varied and often has them […]
SOUNDS: From Jackie and Roxie 03.31.2021
We are so very blessed to have Graham and Celeste Cavanaugh as certified lay speakers. Graham grew up in Richlands. He retired from service in the Jacksonville Police Department as […]
Swansboro UMC Partners with Local Elementary School for 11 years.
Swansboro UMC’s partnership with Silverdale Elementary, Onslow County Schools, a Title I,Covey Leadership school: Our 6 C4C volunteers could not be present as usual in classrooms this year, but we […]
Grace for the Journey: The Bible Tells Me So
Why do you read your Bible? How do you read your Bible? Perhaps I should begin with the foundational question, Do you read your Bible? Reading, studying, and discussing the […]
April 24th – District Youth Camp Don Lee Day
Saturday beginning at 11:00 am You can register for this event as a group or as an individual. Deadline to register is April 9th.
SOUNDS: From Jackie and Roxie 03.17.2021
“Take up thy cross and follow me, I heard my Master say” these words from a favorite hymn kept running through my brain as pondered thoughts and words to share […]
How Sweet the Sound – March 17
In 1742 John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, published a short pamphlet which was intended to explain to early Methodists, as well to the larger population, just who “Methodists” were (or […]