My little black Subaru made the trip from the coast to the mountains twice in one month. The difference of the foliage colors in the timeframe of two weeks, […]
SOUNDS from Jackie & Roxie 10.27.2021
‘Tis the season of Harvest Sales, Homecomings, Charge Conferences, football games, trips to find the right pumpkin, hayrides, bond fires with s’mores, visits to the mountains, raking leaves, cool mornings […]
Grace for the Journey: There is Grace in Grief
For many of us, death isn’t something we like to talk about. We want to pretend that our loved ones will live forever or, if we want to be a […]
How Sweet the Sound: 10.27.2021
Someone decided that October is, “Pastor Appreciation Month.” And now, here we find ourselves, lurching toward Advent like a bus headed down a mountain, with it’s brakes as dead as […]
GreenvilleWesley Serves
GreenvilleWesley has been exploring in worship what it looks like to love our neighbors. As we learned to love one another through a game of Human Bingo, we also sought […]
Thank You – A Message from Lay Leader, Kim R. Smith
On Laity Sunday I decided to visit several congregations for their worship services. It’s hard to represent or serve nine counties without learning a bit about the personalities, strengths, […]
Sound District Lay Servant Ministry Offers
Leading Missional Small Groups – November 20th through ZOOM from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm virtually. This course teaches the Wesleyan way to form missional groups and congregations. It is […]
Grace for the Journey: The Journey Itself IS Grace
The story of Abram/Abraham has long been a favorite of mine because, like Abram, I once experienced the call of God to leave my home and family to start a […]
How Sweet the Sound – 10.13.2021
With/In God, the experience of our day-to-day living always holds the promise of helping us discover the true purpose of our lives. As someone reminded me me just last week, […]