“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops.” Proverbs 3:9
What is our wealth? Is it merely our money? What about our talents and our time? Personally, I feel it is all… money, talent and time. ALL we have.
How many times have we worked all week. It is Saturday. We are tired and feel we deserve a rest. However, the congregation of our church has volunteered to help an elderly couple by cleaning up their yard by raking, mowing, trimming bushes, etc. The day is hot. Our house is air conditioned. What do we do?
Have you ever received a bonus at work or gotten an inheritance? How do you spend it? Do you go out to a store and wander the aisles looking at all the goodies or scan through a catalog and drool over all the wonders found upon it’s pages? Or do you think about those have little too eat, no place to live, or need help paying a bill?
Do you have a talent? Can you teach, play the piano, cut grass, scrub floors, etc? Do you volunteer to help at your church? Do you teach a Sunday School Class? Do you make the church yard look good? Or do you think someone else will take care of those jobs?
I guess what I am asking is… Do you own your possessions, or do they own you?
We should not just be a Christian for one hour on Sunday morning. We should be a Christian 7 days a week. All day, each day. We should be excited to share the possessions that we have… our money, our talent and our time… to serve as the hands and feet of our Christ.
Even when Jesus would try to get away by himself to spend time in solitude with God; He answered the calls of the needy. He did not turn them away. We must strive to do the same. We must be ready and willing to answer the call whenever it comes.
By sharing our possessions we are honoring our Lord. We are carrying on the work He showed us how to do. To feed the hungry, to clothe the naked.
Our challenge is a simple one… Put Christ first in all we do.
If you are interested in becoming a Certified Lay Servant or Certified Lay Speaker or would just like to take a course that would show ways that you can serve please contact:
Roxie Cauley at roxiemc51@yahoo.com or Jackie Attaway at jattaway@ec.rr.com
If you would like to view past editions of SOUNDS: From Jackie and Roxie, follow this link: https://sounddistrictnc.org/category/lay-servant-ministries/