35 And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. John 6:35 NKJV
Recently my daughter-in-law shared some sourdough starter. I have enjoyed feeding the starter and making loaves of bread. If you sit the jar on the window sill so the light shines through, you can watch the yeast grow and “work” throughout the day. After supper you add the rest of the ingredients to make sourdough and put the dough a bowl to rise.
The next morning the sourdough has risen and is ready to be shaped into loaves to rise again and bake that afternoon. It has been a joy to share loaves of bread with family, friends and others… no one has refused a loaf and several have even offered to take any extra loaves off my hands.
In between feedings, the jar of starter stays in the refrigerator and becomes dormant but not dead.
At this time Lay Servant Ministry classes in our Sound District are “dormant”, but not for long! Our Sound District LSM Board plans meet and make plans for more classes later in the summer and fall.
In the meantime, you don’t have to be “dormant!”
Sharing loaves of bread reminds me that Jesus said “I am the bread of life.” How are you serving and sharing Jesus, the bread of life, with others?
From The Daily Bread devotion this prayer-
“Jesus, teach me to see the doors you’ve opened for me to share Your love and give me the courage to tell others about You.”
Many blessings,
If you are interested in becoming a Certified Lay Servant or Certified Lay Speaker or would just like to take a course that would show ways that you can serve please contact:
Roxie Cauley at roxiemc51@yahoo.com Or Jackie Attaway at jattaway@ec.rr.com
If you would like to view past editions of SOUNDS: From Jackie and Roxie, follow this link: https://sounddistrictnc.org/category/lay-servant-ministries/