How often have you dreamt of a big and bold ministry, only to be overwhelmed by all the hurdles? Your dream fades into the piles of ideas that might be accomplished someday.
Linda Taylor and David Hollowell with Church Transformation Ministries of the NCCUMC are helping churches in the eastern portion of the Sound District dream boldly! UMC and AMEZ churches from across Craven and Carteret counties are coming together to “pray, grow relationships, and discern what God’s Holy Spirit is calling clergy and congregations to do TOGETHER to further the kingdom of God…to DREAM God-sized dreams.”
Gathering One was held at St. James UMC in Newport on January 13. That meeting focused on discovering what missions the individual congregations offered that might be shared with others for greater reach.
During the meeting, the group also shared ideas of what ministry opportunities they would love to see happen if no barriers existed to the implementation.
Each participant will have homework using the SOAR model to identify their strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and resources. At the next gathering, they will begin “Visioning for Mission.”
If you are interested in connecting with our congregations to build relationships, community, and a greater mission reach, contact Linda Taylor at