Are you interested in helping your church establish more ministry opportunities with older adults or college students? Would you like a course that deepens your own spiritual practices or personal prayer life? Or are you looking for specific training in pastoral care, conflict resolution, teaching Bible studies, or storytelling? We want to offer what interests and supports you in your spiritual development.
With nearly 40 courses to choose from (view all course descriptions), we need your help to choose the courses that best meet the needs of our laity.
The Conference Lay Servant Ministries district directors are mapping out which classes we will offer over the next 12 months.
Please take a moment to fill out our survey. Conference staff will collate all responses to identify the courses with the most interest and determine preferences for timing and in-person or Zoom formats.
Help Us Plan the Next Year of LSM Classes!
Thank you in advance for filling out our survey. Even if you filled it out last year, please fill it out again! That helps us plan for the