Hello Sound District,
I know it has been a while since my last Newsletter, but I would like to get back to being more active in this role as well as hearing from all of you. For those churches with youth, I urge you to participate in all this conference has to offer. I staffed Breakaway this year and was saddened when we split for District Caucasus
because we did not have many youth for our district. Our voice as the Sound District needs to be represented by our youth as well so I encourage you to encourage and support your youth to be more active in conference events. I know this can be very tough as my youth did not sign up until the last minute because they were reluctant to attend, yet they went and want to come back next year. If there is anything I can do to support you and your youth please reach out to me.
Churches that do not have youth YET (notice the YET) I encourage you to be willing to support your district youth. We can grow better when we support one another. I believe if we truly want to flourish as a church, as a body of Christ, as a district we ought to support one another. One idea I have is that we could possibly use your church if it is in a central location to nearby churches to do events that we could invite your local community to join. This could help our district and your church by bringing local people to see you are there. Thank you in advance for letting me serve as your district youth coordinator.
One of the things I am currently working on is a Fall district youth event. We will be doing something at Camp Don Lee as a Camp Day, more details to come! If you and your church are not following Sound District youth on Instagram or Facebook, I urge you to do so, so you may be well updated on upcoming events! Our Instagram is: @sounddistrictyouth_umc and the Facebook page is: Sound District UMC Youth
I think our future is bright and we have plenty of room to grow.
God’s blessing on all of you,
Kuda Kagura