– Rev. Kuda Kagura, District Youth Coordinator
Dear Sound District,
If you know me, you know that I love youth ministry because I grew up in it, and it shaped me into the pastor I am today. I want to encourage you all by reminding you that the youth are not the church of the future; they are the church of today and now. In this encouragement, I ask that you all help me help you!
Today I was challenged by a video by Rob Bell. As I watched the video, I listened from the perspective of Peter. Rob Bell, in talking about Peter, said Peter got out of the boat, and when Jesus pulled him out as he was drowning, Jesus said to him, “ye of little faith.” He interprets Jesus saying “ye of little faith” as Jesus questioning why Peter had lost faith in himself.
This made me think a little bit about us. Youth ministry needs us to have faith in Christ, each other, and ourselves. I would like to start a sound district youth committee that would focus on helping our district flourish. I need all the help I can get because, as the body, we must work together to transform the world around us. Please, if you are interested in helping or being a part of this team, reach out to me by next week so we can set a meeting day. Thank you for supporting and loving the youth!
Office: 252-752-3101
Cell: 336-260-0778
Email: kkagura@nccumc.org