However, we possess this precious treasure [the divine Light of the Gospel] in [frail, human] vessels of earth, (so) that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves. II Corinthians 4:7 (Amplified)
Recently, I secured this beautiful piece of pottery created by my cousin, Charles Lisk. Those of you from Swansboro may recognize the last name, as his father once called Swansboro “home.” A couple of years ago, he fired his last kiln, which was full of pottery, at his home in Vale, NC. This is one of his remaining pieces, which never made it into a Saturday morning sale. Charles apprenticed under a gentleman named Burlon Craig, a native of Hickory, whose works can be visited at The Smithsonian. As you can see, my cousin Charles was quite skilled at shaping clay into something to admire.

The late bishop, Reuben P Job, noted that God works willingly with the clay of our humanity. Some call this work – conversion.
“Conversion is a partnership project. We cannot transform ourselves, and God does not transform us against our wishes. However, once we invite God’s transforming presence into our lives, the necessary power to change comes with the transforming presence… We cannot know what God has in store for us until we begin to live in harmony and companionship with God… The important thing is inviting God to be the master potter in our lives. We may not know what the end product will be, but we do know that it will be good when we permit God to be the potter and we agree to be the malleable clay.”
The following verse is a reflection on this miracle which I first tried to capture almost sixteen years ago.
Vessels of Earth
From the soil of YOUR MAKING
we are created,
called into existence by THE VOICE,
one of silence, gentle as baby’s breath,
yet, resonant within;
singing our slumbering dry bones to LIFE!
As by intention,
the glistening humus quivers with possibilities…
In the passing shadows
ordinariness is conformed
towards original image.
moving in and over the feeble, selfish dust.
intent in LOVE
to knead our brokenness into usefulness,
are shaping these frail vessels of earth,
filling us to the brimmed-limits
All of this is GOD’S DOING…
an extension of GOD’S BEING…
a DIVINE POWER which comes to us from above…
A GOD unwilling to remain distant,
aloof… uncaring,
but intent to risk a purposeful invasion…
in LOVE and for LOVE.
Surely this is not of ourselves…
nor only intended for ourselves…
The grandeur and exceeding greatness
belong to GOD ALONE.
Still In ONE Peace,Jon (the United Methodist)