If your yard is like mine, everything is bursting with new life! Figs are ripening on the tree, hydrangeas are in full bloom, and the hummingbirds have returned along with lightening bugs. It’s a wonderful time of the year to reflect on what it takes to grow in all aspects of our lives, but especially our spiritual lives.
Writing is a spiritual practice and discipline for me. For good or for not so good, I write every single day after my devotions and time with God are complete. Beyond that, I need new learning opportunities. Stagnancy in my faith life is not an option and I hope it isn’t for any of you either!
Pentecost is a reminder each year, that the Holy Spirit is with us here and now! The Spirit within us is meant to be shared with our neighbors. Our faith lives need to be nurtured, sometimes even challenged, and then continually pushed to MOVE closer and closer to a life like Christ. Ideally, we take a few hearts with us on the journey.
If your church is struggling to offer what your heart needs right now for spiritual growth opportunities, there are great blessings within our connection! Please find ways to share some of these options with others in your congregation!
Our congregations may have been pruned, but God provides us with everything we need to care for our faith life, to grow it, and to share it! If you need help knowing where to begin with one of these possibly… new to you growth opportunities, just reach out. I am a phone call away and am built by God to be a pretty great cheerleader and encourager. We are always stronger together, and within these links is a path to learning and growth for every heart.
- Laity Ministries
- Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries
- United Methodist Men Bible Reading Plan
- United Women in Faith
- NC Conference United Women in Faith
- 5-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation
- Anti-Racism | North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church
- BeADisciple.com
Kim Rice Smith
NCCUMC Sound District
Lay Leader
photo credit – Kim Rice Smith