– Kim R. Smith, Sound District Lay Leader
On a pollen-coated Saturday morning, I joined the Widows Plus group at Chocowinity United Methodist Church for their monthly gathering. The morning news had been all about divisions within our country, and my heart just wanted to be immersed in some other dialogue… something more hope-filled.
My heart was not disappointed. The group began twelve years ago and reached out to widows. It took a detour from Chocowinity for a few years and now has made its way home. No longer just reaching out to widows, the faith-filled members reach out to women who find themselves alone for a myriad of reasons.
There were women younger than me and older than me. There were women from the United Methodist Church and many other churches and denominations across their community. There were widows, women who were divorced, women who have fled unhealthy relationships, women facing health challenges… on and on, I could go.

With all of the things that could serve to separate these women, instead, they have become a beautifully complicated, with great emphasis on beautiful… family. They are the kind of family that cries together, prays together, helps each other face a frightening diagnosis, laughs together, learns to be brave together, and LOVES each other and Jesus.
Chocowinity UMC has embraced this ministry with financial and committed support from the congregation. The church has provided financial support when needed for women in crisis. They provide amazing meals and guest speakers each month. They provide a safe home base for all women who just want to be surrounded by other women of faith.
Aside from monthly gatherings, they join together to help the community. This month, they are collecting donations for the Greenville Ronald McDonald house from their wish list.
No approval is needed. No dues or secret handshakes. They love Jesus, their community, and each other. Acceptance guaranteed. Dawn Jones of Chocowinity UMC, and facilitator of Widows Plus, celebrates the group’s growth, which brings 35-50 women together on any given Saturday.
In my opinion, they have found the secret sauce of a successful women’s group, or any group for that matter… love and acceptance mixed with trying to make their corner of Eastern NC stronger TOGETHER for the glory of God and the good of their hearts.
The sauce was so enticing it left this married woman asking if I could somehow be a plus because we all need a little of what they have going on!
If you have questions about the Widows Plus Ministry, contact Dawn Jones at mcdawn2.dj@gmail.com. Their next meeting is April 20. If you would like to help with their April project, the wish list can be found here: https://rmhcenc.org/get-involved/wishlist/
Photo Credit: Kim Rice Smith