– Kim R. Smith, Sound District Lay Leader
So often, seeds are planted within our hearts, but we fail to nurture their growth. The busyness of our lives and our hectic schedules keep us from making the time to nurture our own personal areas of growth. We tend to everyone else’s gardens and neglect our own.
In 2023, my goal was to become a Certified Lay Speaker. I met the goal, and I learned so much about myself along the way. During the year, I met so many of you who I could see growing in many amazing ways if you journeyed down a similar path. You, my friends, are FULL of potential to be even better disciples of Jesus Christ!
As Christians, sometimes we think we have learned it all. We’ve been attending Sunday School for over 50 years, and we rarely miss a Sunday morning message, so we know it all, right? WRONG. When we stop learning, we stop growing. When we stop growing, we stop being able to be effective disciples of Jesus Christ. Keep nurturing those seeds that have been planted within your heart. Find new ways and new people to grow alongside.
This year, my personal goal is to complete the Women’s Ministry Certification through BeADisciple.com. Saying it in this newsletter will help you all to hold me accountable for my spiritual growth. We all need partners in our faith journeys. I write a blog mainly for women, I lead our United Women in Faith Unit, and I feel God calling me to learn more so I can share more effectively in that area. Where is God calling you?
There are many options available for you to explore! Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries | Laity Ministries (nccumc.org) provides a complete list of pathways and courses available. Spend some time exploring the choices. Also, the Center for Leadership Excellence | North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church (nccumc.org) offers many free opportunities to learn and grow in varied areas of leadership. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter so that you won’t miss those as well.
BeADisciple.com offers a complete catalog of courses designed for both laity and clergy. These courses are all online and convenient for those working, no matter your schedule. Spend some time exploring what they offer as well. All of the courses I have taken through BeADisciple.com have been exciting, challenging, and helped me grow in my faith in ways I did not see coming. Pick one and give it a try!
No matter what you choose, push yourself to grow in new ways. The world is changing and needs our delivery of the Good News to be as effective as possible. To say we don’t have anything to learn says we have mastered this calling of discipleship. I surely haven’t, and I don’t think we EVER stop growing on our path to being more Christlike each day. I personally have a long way to grow. Choose to nurture your own heart in 2024, and let me know how it goes! I am interested in how others walk their paths, too! I am an email or phone call away if you need help or a cheerleader in your corner.