April 30th: Life Together in the United Methodist Connection (Polity)
Led by Rev. Taylor Mills – Registration open until 04.17.2022
Pathway: Administrative Committees
Life Together in the United Methodist Connection (United Methodist Polity) will be offered on Saturday, April 30, 2022 via Zoom from 8:30 to 4:30. This advanced Lay Servant Ministry class is required to become a Certified Lay Speaker and is also open to anyone who is interested to learn why United Methodists do things the way they do to be a place and a people who embody the Kingdom of God in the 21st century. The participants will examine the structure of The United Methodist Church, its connectional system and fulfillment of its mission from the local church to global agencies, the episcopacy, the itinerant ministry and appointment process. The participants will also examine annual conference as well as the jurisdictions, General Conference, Judicial Council, and central conferences of the UMC. Tools for discernment for making decisions in the local church will be discussed by participants. The class will be taught by the Rev Taylor Mills of Ann Street UMC. The cost for the class is $15.00. Registration ends April 17th.
NOTE: Participants will also need a Book of Discipline. A copy of The Book of Discipline 2016 (preferred) will be needed for class use. (May use a 2012 edition if you have that copy)
After registering at the link below, please order the required text- The Method of Our Mission: United Methodist Polity and Organization by Laceye C. Warner and read prior to the class. The text maybe purchased from Cokesbury or Amazon.
Please call or email the District Office with any questions about registration:
districts@nccumc.org or 919.779.9435
If you have any questions about the course, you are invited to contact
Co-District Directors of Lay Servant Ministries:
Roxie Cauley at roxiemc51@yahoo.com (919-738-5114-leave message) or Jackie Attaway at jattaway@ec.rr.com