With November already unfolding, our attention is drawn towards Thanksgiving, but for Christians around the world there is another gift coming into focus immediately following: Advent. Advent marks the beginning of the new Christian year. Frederick Buechner describes it in this way.
The extraordinary thing that is about to happen is matched only by the extraordinary moment just before it happens. Advent is the name of that moment… if you concentrate just for an instant, far off in the deeps of yourself somewhere you can feel the beating of your heart. For all its madness and lostness, not to mention your own, you can hear the world itself holding its breath. (Wishful Thinking)
I want to invite you to experience Christmas this year by first observing the watching and waiting of Advent. Our district will be offering a two opportunities:
(1) Sharing in daily readings from Enuma Okoro’s, SILENCE AND OTHER SURPRISING INVITATIONS OF ADVENT which you can purchase for yourself through Cokesbury (paperback) or through Amazon (kindle or paperback). Each morning, join me (Jon (the Methodist) at 7:30am beginning Monday, November 29. There will be a brief (10 minute) sharing in scripture, the daily meditation, and prayer that corresponds to each day in the book. We will offer this via Facebook Live on the Sound District Facebook page.
(2) “Evening Embers” a weekly small group gathering (virtual) which begins Sunday, December 5 at 8:00pm via Zoom, offering those who choose an opportunity to reflect with others around all the things we will encounter in our daily readings from Enuma Okoro’s book during the previous week. These gatherings (one hour in length) will be held on Dec 5, 12, 19, and 27 at 8pm.
Join me on Wednesday, November 24 at 8pm for an introduction to our Advent focus via Facebook Live.
Daily gatherings will begin the next week…
Okoro encourages us to come to our celebration of Christmas this year by the path of Advent; a WAY she describes in the following words.
Like those who witnessed the first coming of Christ, we hear God beckon
us during Advent to make ourselves available to God in new and courageous
ways. We are invited to practice a unique kind of hospitality with one another:
the sort of hospitality that makes room for people to share the strange ways in
which God is moving in their lives; the sort of hospitality that encourages
people to put down wearisome baggage and trust God to fill their empty hands
and hearts; the sort of hospitality that nurtures space for holy listening. This
hospitality encourages others to believe that God is always in the business of
making things new, bringing life into spaces that feel barren, and strengthening
the weak to receive and offer the gifts of God.
I hope you’ll join me as we journey through these days and weeks together prior to the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Is it possible that God has surprises for each of us in the NEW Christian Year ? Join me, as we seek to not miss The Coming One…
No ear may hear his coming, but in this world of sin, where meek
souls will receive him, still, the dear Christ enters in…
Still In ONE Peace, Jon (the Methodist)
If you would like to view past editions of How Sweet the Sound, follow this link: https://sounddistrictnc.org/category/from-the-ds/