Lately my Friday morning routine has included a trip to the physical therapist. You might say that I am currently participating in a Friday ritual which includes the laying on of hands. And slowly I’m finding my right foot coming back to life; my mobility increasing in small, incremental, but noticeable ways. I’m grateful for the persons who are working with me to try and restore me to renewed physical wholeness.
As I think about this, I realize that God is continuing to restore, re-form, and renew me in God’s image (likeness, nature, character). This happens through a relationship. It’s what Leslie Weatherhead described as a “transforming friendship” – with Jesus Christ. To be in relationship/friendship with Jesus is to participate in a journey of re-formation. I thank God that Jesus Christ always extends God’s friendship to us first. His friendship is a healing one. Jesus Christ is the Consummate Friend, whose love is extended toward me, and this world. He is our true hope of being re-formed…….
In Luke’s Gospel we read:
She was bent completely forward and utterly unable to straighten herself up or to look upward.
12 And when Jesus saw her, He called [her to Him] and said to her, Woman, you are released from your infirmity!
13 Then He laid [His] hands on her, and instantly she was made straight, and she recognized and thanked and praised God. Luke 13:11c-13 | AMP
Still In ONE Peace, Jon (the Methodist)
If you would like to view past editions of How Sweet the Sound, follow this link:
Eighteen years……
hunched over…….
unable to stand erect…..
Eighteen years …….
my body a living question mark ….
Eighteen years…..
of seeing more knees than eyes….
Eighteen years …….
with no hope of anything more
than straining to see the horizon.……..
Into this darkness a voice speaks:
“Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.
“Infirmity? Did he say, infirmity ?…….
not iniquity, …..but infirmity??
You mean I’m not being punished
for something I did,
or didn’t do?
Oh my, he is is coming near….
I can see his sandal-ed feet…..
his cloak…..his hands…….
strong hands, and calloused……
They rest now upon my shoulders….
yet…..his touch is gentle……comforting……
Suddenly there is a tingling………
Searing heat tracing my spine…
bones creaking and crackling,
a sense of growing taller….
I am standing up!
I am standing up!!!
Straight……and tall…
My hands stretch up towards the heavens….
My face feels the warmth of the sun, (Son)
My feet begin to move ……and I am dancing ….
Salty tears stream down my face…
Warm like the rains of summer….
Their taste not bitter, but sweet…….
Holy God…….. YOU have set me free!
I praise Your great name……
clay in the hands of your re-forming…
After all these years…..
eighteen years……..
I now stand straight and tall…..
A question mark has been
transformed into an exclamation point!
Set free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by the touch of your love……………….
– J.E.S.