How often have we referred to someone as having, “charisma”? We generally are referring to a person having a winsome personality, or being an eloquent communicator. Maybe we are thinking of the positive influence certain persons seem to exhibit in their life or work. But Charis is a Greek word, found in the New Testament, which means, “gift.” Charis-mata refers the divine gifts present in a group of Jesus’ followers which enable the believers to fulfill their callings or vocations. As Bishop Will Willimon notes: “Christians are not simply saved. We are sent.”
Those receiving these gifts are to be “good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10), especially in terms of their ministry and life as members of the Christian community. The gifts of the Spirit are for the upbuilding of the church and the spread of the gospel. In other words, the varied gifts of the Holy Spirit (charismata) see I Cor 12:4-11, are present in the church, and are utilized by God to strengthen every member; particularly in sharing the good news of God’s love for all people in Jesus Christ.
None of us has all the gifts needed to accomplish this on our own. WE SHARE IN THE GIFTS WITH EACH OTHER. There is no other way. So how do we “steward” these gifts in a way that help everyone become their true, Christ-like selves? In short, it begins by everyone coming together, regularly; and then, by living and moving together in ways where true relationships are nurtured and nourished. John Wesley created “bands” or “classes” that sought to help the early Methodists help one another live day-to-day in ways that honor Christ Jesus and in doing so, bring purpose and meaning to every day life. “Our vision is to partner in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to work together in ways that promote healthy congregations and effective leaders in every place, making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
Life in Christ is life abundant! It is possible to know
this joy even in the midst of turmoil and suffering.
The enduring practices of scriptural reflection, prayer,
worship, and guidance within the community of faith
help us discover and live these spiritual truths personally
and corporately….. Christians are called into a community
of mutual servanthood, and …each of us has a unique gift
to offer to others.
Companions In Christ: Embracing The Journey
.… let us think of one another and how we can encourage each other to love and do good deeds. And let us not hold aloof from our church meetings, as some do. Let us do all we can to help one another’s faith, and this the more earnestly as we see the final day drawing ever nearer. Hebrews 10. J B Philips translation
Still In ONE Peace,Jon (the Methodist)
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