However, we possess this precious treasure [the divine Light of the Gospel] in [frail, human] vessels of earth, (so) that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves.
– II Corinthians 4:7 (Amplified)
Something I enjoy doing any time the opportunity arises is walking barefoot down a stretch of beach. Over the years these strolls have often been beside our nearby Atlantic Ocean. Yet, there have been opportunities to walk by other oceans, as well; places like the Agean Sea near Delphi, the Mediterranean near Tel Aviv, the Pacific waters of Northern California or lapping at my heels in Manly Beach near Sydney, Australia. Two years ago Cathy and I walked on Omaha Beach in Normandy. I still can’t fathom what transpired there seventy-five plus years ago.
In most instances, these seaside strolls evoke a profound sense of my own smallness and God’s greatness. Each shell investigated carries with it an untold story of change and transition. The sand and surf serve as a testimony to the rhythm of God’s persistent and unbreakable love. And so today, I am reminded, again, of the words from Terry Talbot‘s song, “Potter’s Clay”.
I’m like a stone thrown through the waves, I’m falling……
And the waves all mold me as they may…..
To be unborn, and then to hear the callin’,
that I’m still….still the Potter’s clay.
Our little branch on The Vine has been blessed through the centuries with leaders whose lives of witness continue to speak, long after they no longer move among us. One of those persons, for me, is the late, Bishop Rueben P. Job. I hope his words speak to you as they speak to me.
Conversion is a partnership project. We cannot transform ourselves, and God does not transform us against our wishes. However, once we invite God’s transforming presence into our lives, the necessary power to change comes with the transforming presence…..We cannot know what God has in store for us until we begin to live in harmony and companionship with God…..The important thing is inviting God to be the master potter in our lives. We may not know what the end product will be, but we do know that it will be good when we permit God to be the potter and we agree to be the malleable clay.
Last week, five of our pastors were ordained as elders – set apart by God and commissioned by the Church as Christ’s ambassadors to the world. As a special remembrance of their ordination day, each was given a unique gift which was the creation of Celeste Cavanaugh, potter extraordinaire and faithful member of Cypress Creek UMC near Trenton. My hope is that these pieces will be utilized as any good piece of pottery should be. I hope that each time these pastors hold it in their hands, they will be reminded of the One who is holding them, as well as all the rest of us.
A number of years ago, I penned these words of verse in response to a Paul’s letter to the Corinthians (II Corinthians 4:7 )
moving in and over the feeble, selfish dust.
to knead our brokenness into usefulness,
are shaping these frail vessels of earth,
filling us to the utter brimmed-limits
Here’s to LIFE shaped by the Hands of the Master Potter……and to willing clay.
Still In ONE Peace, Jon (the Methodist)
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