A message from your Lay Servant Ministry Co-Directors, Jackie and Roxie
“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” – 2 Timothy 1:7
Remember on the playground when we were in school and someone was chosen to be “captain” of the team. Those lucky enough to be chosen as captain began calling names of those they wanted on their team. Remember how we wanted our name to be called first? We also hoped we would get on the right team so we were not considered to be losers. We wanted to be on the winning team. We wanted to be with the popular kids. What a stressful time! A stressful time because we were judging based on worldly values.
But — the difference between those playground teams and Team Jesus is that God calls everyone. Everyone can be a member of His team. Everyone is equal on Team Jesus. EVERYONE. The lame, the addicts, the outcasts of society are called to be a member of Team Jesus. He invites the hungry, the unemployed and homeless.
When we are on a team, we want the coach to call our name. To call our name to get into the game. God’s desire is for all of us to get off the bench and get into the game. He calls us ALL into the game. To go into the game and help our neighbor, love our neighbor and reach out to those in need.
But are we a team player? Do we use the power we are offered by God? Do we consider ourselves as full members of the team? We get baptized. We go to church each Sunday. We put money in the offering plate. We attend many meetings. We seem to do all the right things. Some bad news is that God knows our heart. He knows if we are fully a team player. I challenge us to all be true lay servants and use the power, love and self discipline we are offered to invite others to join Team Jesus.
If you would like to view past editions of SOUNDS: From Jackie and Roxie, follow this link: https://sounddistrictnc.org/category/lay-servant-ministries/