The Sound District is so very blessed to have dedicated Certified Lay Speakers who are anxious to share their story and how God’s love and grace is available for all. These servant leaders travel many miles some Sundays to share. What a blessing! We will be sharing information on these servants in the coming months.
Bobby Meadows has served as a certified Lay Speaker since 2005 and serves on the Sound District Lay Servant Board. Bobby is originally from Pollocksville, but now makes his home in Minnesott Beach, where he and his wife, Sharon, are members of Arapaho UMC, where he serves as the Financial Officer. For the past 8 years Bobby has served as an At-Large delegate to Annual Conference.

Elizabeth, Elibby, Harrison is a charter member of New Song UMC where she serves on the Praise Team and schedules communion assistants. Elibby became a certified Lay Speaker in 2018. She is a member of the Dismantling Racism group. Elibby shares a home with her 3 feline fur babies in New Bern where she is the secretary for the Colonial Capital Humane Society.
We give thanks for such faithful servants.
If you are interested in becoming a Certified Lay Servant or Certified Lay Speaker, we would be happy to give you information on how to begin. Feel free to contact us – or
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