As we have been unable to hold classes or meet in person we thought it might be a good idea to introduce ourselves.
My name is Roxie Cauley. I serve as co-director of Lay Servant Ministry which has allowed me to use the skills and knowledge learned during 33 years of teaching in the public schools. I enjoy planning and carrying out LSM classes to help others deepen their walk with Christ and better understand their role as His servant. From the many LSM classes of which I have been a part, there have been blessings of new friends and different ideas for ministry to share at my own church, Hickory Grove, near LaGrange.
I began taking LSM classes to understand more about the Methodist church, having grown up Baptist. As I took classes, the call to be a certified Lay Speaker was answered. Sometimes I get to teach a LSM class which makes me happy. Other things that I enjoy are traveling, painting, a good a Christian book, time with friends, and my family – a married daughter, two married sons, an unmarried daughter, with a Four-legged child, and six grandchildren – age 13 to 1 month old.
I’m the other half of the Directorship of the Sound District LSM team. I answer to many names, Christian, Jackie Attaway, jamma, gma, grandma, mom, momma, and I love them all.
Many years ago it came to my attention that a class on Spiritual Gifts was going to be taught. I was interested. Took the class and was hooked. So much to learn, so much to share, so many Christian folks to meet – that was all I needed. Just like every one I had a story to tell, a faith to share, and this gave me the avenue to do just that.
Before enjoying this wonderful retired life I spent 33 years working for Uncle Sam. Before retirement I was head of the Supply Department at FRC-East.
Love to travel, so this year has been a tough one, but could still enjoy other passions – quilting, reading, crafting, and gardening.
I mentioned I had a lot to share. I say that because God has truly blessed me – a Christian husband (who is also a Certified Lay Speaker), 5 daughters, 12 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren, a several grand dogs. All the loves of my life. We have great adventures as a family.
My church, First United Methodist, Havelock, and community have been good to me and my family, so it is my pleasure to serve and give back. I am a Conflict Transformation Minister for the North Carolina Conference, serve on the Sound District Board of UMW as a part of the nominating committee, serve my local church as Lay Leader, serve as vice chair of the Havelock Library Board, and serve as a member of the Havelock Planning aboard.
I hope this gives a slight glimpse into the leadership of the LSM for the Sound District. We are here to serve you.
In the future other Certified Lay Speakers will be introduced.
Please let us know if you have any questions that we can answer.
Blessings to all,