From Your Heart to Theirs will be offered virtually on May 15th from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm but ZOOM. The Rev Linda Taylor who is an Associate in Church Transformation Ministries for the Conference will teach the class.
** This course is limited to 18 attendees **
This class is open to anyone. If you are occasionally asked to speak in the absence of your pastor, consider taking this class for help with sermon preparation. This class moves beyond the basics of public speaking and the foundations necessary for preparing an engaging sermon. It is designed for those who have not completed formal preacher training. The different types of sermons as well as children’s sermons are discussed. The class will explore ways to find a story, use the hymnal, and communicate the message. This class maybe used for the required advanced preaching course to become a Certified Lay Speaker. Cost is $15.00. Registration ends May 2nd.
Order the required textbook – From Your Heart to Theirs: Delivering an Effective Sermon by Tony Franks and David Carroll. (Link to order our text will be in the email you receive after registering.)
Please read the text prior to class. In addition, preparing a short sermon to share is part of the class. Directions will be sent several weeks in advance (after a paid registration) with time to prepare before the virtual class.
For questions regarding the course, please contact Roxie Cauley at or Jackie Attaway at
If you have questions about the registration, you are asked to call the District Office (919.779.9435) or email at